
Date Series Title & Authors
2024 Jul. OSDI '24 μSlope: High Compression and Fast Search on Semi-Structured Logs
Rui Wangɣ, Devin Gibsonτ, Kirk Rodriguesɣ, Yu Luoɣ, υ, τ, Yun Zhangυ, Kaibo Wangυ, Yupeng Fuυ, Ting Chenυ, and Ding Yuanɣ, τ
YScopeɣ, University of Torontoτ, and Uberυ
2021 Jul. OSDI '21 CLP: Efficient and Scalable Search on Compressed Text Logs
Kirk Rodrigues, Yu Luo, and Ding Yuan
YScope and University of Toronto